Tuesday, September 20, 2011

and so it goes

our time in Europe was amazing.
will never be forgotten and if it were up to me, 
we would have never left.
but alas... we've been home for a week,
greeted by our loving kids (puck and winnie),
a pile of laundry,
tons of homework- including 2 tests for me... eek!
and the realization that everyday life has begun again.
now if you don't mind, i'm going to pretend that i am back here,
about to have an aperitif and beautiful conversation with my honey:

i promise more to come... much more. Tomorrow?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

just a tid bit.

i've been up since 3:30am and it's now 1am Paris time, which is what i'm on... so i'm pooped
first stop was Lausanne then off Wengen.
then Basel and a day stop in Offenburg
Strasbourg and finally Paris.

It was the trip of a lifetime and still feels like a dream.
It's a strange juxtaposition to be back.
on one hand, it's nice to have the comforts of home, but I miss
Europe... more than i thought i would. 
it was an amazing adventure that i hope to relive again and again.
au revoir for now!