Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Meaningful. Healthy.

for the last few years, i've been anti-new years resolution.
there seemed to be no real point to the custom.
analyze your life. figure out what you want to change:
'loose weight', 'go to church more', 'watch less tv'.
make a promise to yourself and then continue on being lazy,
sleeping in on sundays, and watching everything listed in the tv guide.
maybe it's just me..........?

this year i've got a couple of specific goals, 
but my main mantra is
live a more meaningful and healthy life.
yes, it' pretty vague and there's no real way to measure
my progress at the end of the year (ie. # of lbs lost, sundays spent at church, etc.).
it's more of a new way to live.
a reminder everyday to make healthy choices that will ensure
that my life is a full and meaningful as it can be.

so bring it on 2012. 
i have a feeling that you and i are going to get along

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