Wednesday, February 13, 2013

sadie sadie, married lady.

mrs. plaetzer, mrs. plaetzer! what a beautiful name!

I am so behind on this here blog.
not only has it been 4 months since I last posted...
in 3 days, it'll be 2 months since my main squeeze popped the question.
and oh so much more has happened, but back to the big stuff :)

yes, yes... he finally put a ring on it and I couldn't be happier.
he asked in total Kevan fashion and said the sweetest things my ears have ever heard.
it wasn't big, it wasn't opulent, it was him. 
and it was perfect.
a moment when time literally stood still and was just about us.

Kevan, my best friend, my love
you have made me so incredibly happy over the past 5 years 
and I just can't wait to be your Sadie.

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